50 years ago, Neil Armstrong became the first person to land on the moon. The Apollo 11 space mission captured the hearts and minds of the world – inspiring a new generation of scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs.
50年前、ニールアームストロング船長は月面に着陸した最初の人物になりました。アポロ11号の宇宙ミッションは世界中をとりこにし、科学者、革新者、事業家の新しい世代に刺激を与えたのです。( the hearts and minds of ~ = ~の心 という慣用句)
インコタームズ2020 の時代:宇宙旅行は「夢物語」から「現実」へ
In the same spirit, a new generation of entrepreneurs are competing to win the next space race. Technological advancements, cheaper costs, and support from national governments have transformed space travel from Hollywood fantasy to commercial reality. From tourism to trade, space will provide business, governments, and society with new development opportunities. As space development progresses, what rules will govern relations between states? How can businesses resolve disputes originating from outer space? What happens when the delivery of a shipment from Panama to Hong Kong is intercepted in space?
These are some of the questions that Daniela Maria Rojas Garcia, a recent air and space law graduate, is seeking to answer. While others are devoting their attention to space luggage fashion and rocket ship designs, Ms Rojas Garcia is more interested in the regulatory aspect of space travel. “In the future, we are going to start having extra-terrestrial transport,” said Ms Rojas Garcia. “We need to consider not only how transport is going to be made, but also responsibility, transfer of risk, and allocation of costs.”
Not only will the Incoterms® rules need to account for a new arena of trade, but they also must be able to adapt to the speed of space trade, according to Ms Rojas Garcia. “[Trade] between countries going outside of the Earth and coming back in will be much faster than going straight (across) Earth’s surface,” explained Ms Rojas Garcia. “Transportation will become more immediate [and] you will need to respond just as fast.”